
More About Mosquito

Mosquitoes Pest Control Services in Aurangabad
How many species of mosquitoes are there?

Currently, 54 species have been identified in Connecticut, 200 in North America, and over 2,500 species worldwide.

Are mosquito bites dangerous?

Not typically, but there are diseases that mosquitoes here are associated with. With that being said, if you get bitten you’ll most likely be fine.

What mosquito causes malaria?

Malaria is spread by Anopheles mosquitoes which are in the INDIA, but we rarely have problems with Malaria here.

Which mosquito bites people?

There are multiple species of mosquitoes that bite people: Aedes Agypti, Culex, Anopheles, and more. It is female mosquitoes that bite because they require a blood meal in order to reproduce. All mosquitoes bite even if their preferred target isn’t human.

What do mosquitoes eat?

Both male and female mosquitoes eat flower nectar, juices, and decaying matter, but only female mosquitoes have blood meals to reproduce.

Will mosquito bites hurt plants?

No, mosquitoes can feed on nectar and plant juices, but it will not damage the plant or tree.

Do mosquitoes sleep?

It depends on your definition, mosquitoes rest and go through periods where they are inactive, but it’s not completely the same as how we sleep. Mosquitoes typically rest during the day, but some mosquitoes rest at night. This is why you can see mosquito activity at different times of the day.

Will mosquito bites leave scars?

Not unless you scratch them too much.

Can mosquitoes transmit HIV?


How do mosquitoes find us?

Mosquitoes find a host by sensing carbon dioxide, seeing movement, or by detecting heat sources.

Where do mosquitoes lay eggs?

In or near water. The larva and pupa stages of mosquitoes also live in water.

Where do mosquitoes live?

In trees, bushes, tall grasses, brush and more.

Why mosquito does bites itch?

Mosquitoes have piercing-sucking mouthparts. When a mosquito “bites” you, it pierces your skin with its beak or proboscis and secretes saliva. This saliva acts as a source for allergic reactions or pathogens of those known as disease vectors.

Do all mosquitoes feed on humans?

No. Of the 54 species in Connecticut, less than half are considered pest species to humans and livestock. 

Why do mosquitoes bite humans?

Mosquitoes do not actually “bite” humans; they “feed” on them. Female mosquitoes require protein to produce their eggs and obtain this protein from the blood of humans and other animals.

Do male and female mosquitoes both feed on humans?

No. Because male mosquitoes do not lay eggs, they do not require protein. Only the female mosquito requires a source of protein to produce eggs.

Where do mosquitoes breed?

A mosquito’s life cycle has four stages – egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Mosquitoes need water to breed because all mosquitoes spend their larval and pupal stages in water. Therefore, mosquitoes can always be found around water. This is why it is important to prevent stagnant water from standing around your home and apply a larvicide to areas where stagnant water cannot be removed.

How long do mosquitoes live?

Most adult mosquitoes wind up as food for birds, dragonflies, or spiders. Others succumb to the effects of wind, rain, and drought. Those that survive those threats may persist for as long as 2 to 3 months and adults that hibernate can live as long 6 to 8 months.

Where do mosquitoes go during the winter?

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded creatures and do not generally feed in temperatures below 50 degrees F. In Connecticut, some adult mosquitoes become inactive with the onset of cold weather and enter into hibernation before the first frost. Other mosquitoes die in the fall but have winter-hardy eggs, which hibernate as embryos.

How do mosquitoes spread disease?

Only in the last century has it been known that mosquitoes are capable of spreading disease. The diseases are often viruses that are picked up by the mosquito when it feeds on an infected host. When the mosquito feeds on another host, it can spread the virus.

What type of diseases can mosquitoes carry?

Mosquitoes are known to carry diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dog heartworm, and viral encephalitis. Mosquitoes do not transmit AIDS.

How can mosquitoes be controlled?

Mosquitoes around the home can be reduced significantly by minimizing the amount of standing water available for mosquito breeding. Residents are urged to reduce standing water around the home in a variety of ways. Source reduction activities include:

·         Dispose of tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots, or similar water-holding containers that have accumulated on your property.

·         Empty standing water from used or discarded tires that may have accumulated on your property (e.g., tire swings).

·         Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers that are left out of doors.

·         Clean clogged roof gutters on an annual basis, particularly if leaves from surrounding trees have a tendency to plug up the drains.

·         Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use.

·         Turn over wheelbarrows and do not allow water to stagnate in birdbaths.

·         Change water in birdbaths and wading pools on a weekly basis.

·         Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish.

·         Clean and chlorinate swimming pools that are not being used. Be aware that mosquitoes may even breed in water that collects on swimming pool covers.

Why are mosquitoes able to survive pesticide spraying?

Pesticides, such as resmethrin, are designed to kill adult mosquitoes within 5 to 30 minutes of contact. Contact is more reliably achieved after sunset and overnight when most mosquitoes are airborne. When contact is made, insecticides like resmethrin are approximately 90% effective so some mosquitoes do survive spraying. Insecticides are not designed to kill mosquito larvae so non-adult mosquitoes will not be affected and new hatches of adults may need to be addressed.

How can I protect myself from mosquito-borne diseases?

The best way is to avoid being fed on by mosquitoes. This can be accomplished using personal protection while outdoors when mosquitoes are present. Examples of such protective measures are:

·         Wear shoes, socks, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt when outdoors for long periods of time, or when mosquitoes are most active.

·         Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in an unscreened structure and to protect small babies when outdoors.

·         Consider the use of mosquito repellent, according to directions, when it is necessary to be outdoors.

Why are mosquito populations higher some years compared to others?

Mosquito populations fluctuate depending mostly on rainfall.  Frequent rainstorms create more standing water and therefore, more floodwater nuisance mosquitoes.

 Why are mosquitoes controlled in the larval stage?

The most effective and economical way to control mosquitoes is to prevent them from emerging as biting adults.

 Where do mosquitoes living in cities and towns come from?

Many are produced in water-filled containers like old tires, improperly maintained swimming pools, and street catch basins, where mosquito eggs are laid.

What is a mosquito habitat?

Mosquito habitats are places where mosquito eggs are laid, hatch, and larvae grow into adults. Any place that holds water for 7-10 days can be a mosquito habitat.

How much blood does a female mosquito drink per serving?

About 5 millionths of a quart (for an Aedes aegypti)

What attracts a female mosquito to a human?

Carbon dioxide (CO2), our breath, is a proven attractant. Warm bodies, dark-colored clothing, and scents like perfume and deodorant also attract female mosquitoes.

What do male mosquitoes do?

Male mosquitoes fertilize the females. They also feed on nectar and can therefore be pollinators. Male mosquitoes, which usually emerge shortly before females, form a mating swarm when females emerge. Females mate only once and store sperm that will later fertilize the eggs she lays.

 What are the diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes?

Mostquitoes are the major carriers of vector borne diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria

 How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

Even though many off the shelf mosquito repellants are available in the market, it is recommended to use a professional pest control service provider to get a long term solution for your mosquito problem.

How do I prevent mosquitoes from entering my premise?

One way to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house is by closing doors and windows after dark. Also, curtains can be used to block out the light from house.


 Only female mosquitoes bite

There are more than 3,500 species of mosquitoes

The average mosquito lifespan is less than two months

Mosquitoes can hibernate

Mosquitoes spend their first 10 days in water

Female Mosquitoes lay up to 300 eggs at a time

Mosquitoes drink up to three times their weight in blood

Mosquitoes are the world’s deadliest creatures

Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide from 75 feet away

The bumps from mosquito bites are caused by saliva

Body heat can lead to bites

Mosquitoes have poor eyesight

Mosquitoes love CO₂

Mosquitoes are big fans of Dirty Dancing

Mosquitoes don’t only bite humans

Mosquitoes Grow Up Fast

Mosquitoes Are More Active When The Moon Is Full

Mosquitoes Can Breed In Tiny Amounts Of Water

Color Matters To Mosquitoes

Which disease do mosquitoes spread?

1.     Malaria

2.     Dengue fever

3.     Chikungunya virus

4.     Japanese Encephalitis

5.     Zika fever

6.     Yellow fever

7.     Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis)

8.     Ross River Fever

9.     Eastern Equine Encephalitis

10.        West Nile virus

11.        St. Louis Encephalitis


The length of mosquito life cycle varies between species and majorly depends on environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture. Whatsoever the types of mosquitoes present, it grows through 4 stages. The four stages include:

1.     Eggs

2.     Larvae

3.     Pupae

4.     Adult

Mosquito Life cycle

Stage 1 – Eggs:

The eggs are laid on surface of water or near the water. The eggs stick to each other and form a raft. Independent eggs stay afloat on the surface of water. In approximately, 24-48 hours eggs hatch and release larvae.

Stage 2 – Larvae

Mosquitoes take approximately a period of 7 days to complete the development of the larvae stage. Food and temperature conditions are essential in the development stage. At this stage, water can be treated with larvicides to block the larvae from going into the next stage thatcan help in getting rid of mosquito borne viruses.

Stage 3 – Pupae

This is a resting and a non-feeding stage, but pupae at this stage begins to move. Pupae startresponding to light changes and move with a flip of their tails towards protective areas.Thisis the time when a mosquito changes into an adult. This process is similar to metamorphosis seen in butterflies when a butterfly is in its developing stage.

Stage 4 – Adult

The newly emerged adult rests on the surface of water for a short duration while allowing itself to dry and harden all its body parts. The wings should spread out and dry appropriately before it can fly. Blood feeding and mating does not happen for a few days after the pupae turns into an adult.

The duration of each stage depends on both temperature and species characteristics. Some mosquitoes might go through its life cycle in 14 days while some species naturally adapt to go through their entire life cycle in as little as 4 days or as long as 1 month.

Most mosquitoes require standing water to multiple. Distinctive mosquito species are found in various natural surroundings. A few mosquitoes are considered “floodwater” species that breed in water environments, while others are viewed as “lasting water” mosquitoes and breed in water sources that stay for significant amount of time.


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